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Module react-ui-lite



Const liteCellComponents

liteCellComponents: CellComponents = ...

Const liteCoreComponents

liteCoreComponents: Partial<PossibleCoreComponents> = ...

Minimal set of components, mandatory to operate Vulcan React UI

Const liteDatatableComponents

liteDatatableComponents: DatatableComponents = ...

Const liteFormComponents

liteFormComponents: Partial<PossibleFormComponents> = ...

Const liteVulcanComponents

liteVulcanComponents: { Alert?: any; Button?: any; CardItem: any; CardItemArray: any; CardItemDate: any; CardItemDefault: any; CardItemHTML: any; CardItemImage: any; CardItemNumber: any; CardItemObject: any; CardItemRelationHasMany: any; CardItemRelationHasOne: any; CardItemRelationItem: any; CardItemString: any; CardItemSwitcher: any; CardItemURL: any; Datatable: any; DatatableAbove: any; DatatableAboveLayout: any; DatatableAboveLeft: any; DatatableAboveRight: any; DatatableAboveSearchInput: any; DatatableCell: any; DatatableCellLayout: any; DatatableContents: any; DatatableContentsBodyLayout: any; DatatableContentsHeadLayout: any; DatatableContentsInnerLayout: any; DatatableContentsLayout: any; DatatableContentsMoreLayout: any; DatatableDefaultCell: any; DatatableEmpty: any; DatatableFilter: any; DatatableFilterBooleans: any; DatatableFilterCheckboxes: any; DatatableFilterContents: any; DatatableFilterContentsWithData: any; DatatableFilterDates: any; DatatableFilterNumbers: any; DatatableHeader: any; DatatableHeaderCellLayout: any; DatatableLayout: any; DatatableLoadMoreButton: any; DatatableRow: any; DatatableRowLayout: any; DatatableSelect: any; DatatableSorter: any; DatatableSubmitSelected: any; DatatableTitle: any; DefaultCell: any; DeleteButton: any; Dropdown?: ComponentType<any>; EditButton: any; EditForm: any; FieldErrors?: any; Form?: any; FormComponent?: any; FormComponentAutocomplete?: any; FormComponentCheckbox?: any; FormComponentCheckboxGroup?: any; FormComponentDate?: any; FormComponentDateTime?: any; FormComponentDefault?: any; FormComponentEmail?: any; FormComponentInner?: any; FormComponentLikert?: any; FormComponentLoader?: any; FormComponentMultiAutocomplete?: any; FormComponentNumber?: any; FormComponentPassword?: any; FormComponentRadioGroup?: any; FormComponentSelect?: any; FormComponentSelectMultiple?: any; FormComponentStaticText?: any; FormComponentText?: any; FormComponentTextarea?: any; FormComponentTime?: any; FormComponentUrl?: any; FormElement?: any; FormError?: any; FormErrors?: any; FormGroup?: any; FormGroupHeader?: any; FormGroupLayout?: any; FormIntl?: any; FormIntlItemLayout?: any; FormIntlLayout?: any; FormItem?: any; FormLayout?: any; FormNestedArray?: any; FormNestedArrayInnerLayout?: any; FormNestedArrayLayout?: any; FormNestedDivider?: any; FormNestedItem?: any; FormNestedItemLayout?: any; FormNestedObject?: any; FormNestedObjectLayout?: any; FormOptionLabel?: any; FormSubmit?: any; FormattedMessage?: any; HeadTags?: ComponentType<any>; Icon?: any; IconAdd?: any; IconRemove?: any; Loading?: any; LoadingButton?: ComponentType<any>; Modal?: any; ModalTrigger?: any; MutationButton?: any; NewButton: any; NewForm: any; SmartForm?: any; TooltipTrigger?: ComponentType<any>; UserCell: any; __not_initialized?: boolean } = ...

0.6.1 Use each type of components instead of loading all of them at once This will avoid loading form and datatable components, that are very heavy, on every page even when they are anot actually used

Type declaration

  • Optional Alert?: any
  • Optional Button?: any
  • CardItem: any
  • CardItemArray: any
  • CardItemDate: any
  • CardItemDefault: any
  • CardItemHTML: any
  • CardItemImage: any
  • CardItemNumber: any
  • CardItemObject: any
  • CardItemRelationHasMany: any
  • CardItemRelationHasOne: any
  • CardItemRelationItem: any
  • CardItemString: any
  • CardItemSwitcher: any
  • CardItemURL: any
  • Datatable: any
  • DatatableAbove: any
  • DatatableAboveLayout: any
  • DatatableAboveLeft: any
  • DatatableAboveRight: any
  • DatatableAboveSearchInput: any
  • DatatableCell: any
  • DatatableCellLayout: any
  • DatatableContents: any
  • DatatableContentsBodyLayout: any
  • DatatableContentsHeadLayout: any
  • DatatableContentsInnerLayout: any
  • DatatableContentsLayout: any
  • DatatableContentsMoreLayout: any
  • DatatableDefaultCell: any
  • DatatableEmpty: any
  • DatatableFilter: any
  • DatatableFilterBooleans: any
  • DatatableFilterCheckboxes: any
  • DatatableFilterContents: any
  • DatatableFilterContentsWithData: any
  • DatatableFilterDates: any
  • DatatableFilterNumbers: any
  • DatatableHeader: any
  • DatatableHeaderCellLayout: any
  • DatatableLayout: any
  • DatatableLoadMoreButton: any
  • DatatableRow: any
  • DatatableRowLayout: any
  • DatatableSelect: any
  • DatatableSorter: any
  • DatatableSubmitSelected: any
  • DatatableTitle: any
  • DefaultCell: any
  • DeleteButton: any
  • Optional Dropdown?: ComponentType<any>
  • EditButton: any
  • EditForm: any
  • Optional FieldErrors?: any
  • Optional Form?: any
  • Optional FormComponent?: any
  • Optional FormComponentAutocomplete?: any
  • Optional FormComponentCheckbox?: any
  • Optional FormComponentCheckboxGroup?: any
  • Optional FormComponentDate?: any
  • Optional FormComponentDateTime?: any
  • Optional FormComponentDefault?: any
  • Optional FormComponentEmail?: any
  • Optional FormComponentInner?: any
  • Optional FormComponentLikert?: any
  • Optional FormComponentLoader?: any
  • Optional FormComponentMultiAutocomplete?: any
  • Optional FormComponentNumber?: any
  • Optional FormComponentPassword?: any
  • Optional FormComponentRadioGroup?: any
  • Optional FormComponentSelect?: any
  • Optional FormComponentSelectMultiple?: any
  • Optional FormComponentStaticText?: any
  • Optional FormComponentText?: any
  • Optional FormComponentTextarea?: any
  • Optional FormComponentTime?: any
  • Optional FormComponentUrl?: any
  • Optional FormElement?: any
  • Optional FormError?: any
  • Optional FormErrors?: any
  • Optional FormGroup?: any
  • Optional FormGroupHeader?: any
  • Optional FormGroupLayout?: any
  • Optional FormIntl?: any
  • Optional FormIntlItemLayout?: any
  • Optional FormIntlLayout?: any
  • Optional FormItem?: any
  • Optional FormLayout?: any
  • Optional FormNestedArray?: any
  • Optional FormNestedArrayInnerLayout?: any
  • Optional FormNestedArrayLayout?: any
  • Optional FormNestedDivider?: any
  • Optional FormNestedItem?: any
  • Optional FormNestedItemLayout?: any
  • Optional FormNestedObject?: any
  • Optional FormNestedObjectLayout?: any
  • Optional FormOptionLabel?: any
  • Optional FormSubmit?: any
  • Optional FormattedMessage?: any
  • Optional HeadTags?: ComponentType<any>
  • Optional Icon?: any
  • Optional IconAdd?: any
  • Optional IconRemove?: any
  • Optional Loading?: any
  • Optional LoadingButton?: ComponentType<any>
  • Optional Modal?: any
  • Optional ModalTrigger?: any
  • Optional MutationButton?: any
  • NewButton: any
  • NewForm: any
  • Optional SmartForm?: any
  • Optional TooltipTrigger?: ComponentType<any>
  • UserCell: any
  • Optional __not_initialized?: boolean

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